
Like the meeting of the seagulls and the waves we meet and come near. The seagulls fly off, the waves roll away and we depart...... "Stray Birds" by Rabindranath Tagore is my favorite poem. Here I'll share pictures of life in France and trip in Europe with words from "Stray Bird".


The song feels the infinite in the air, the picture in the earth, the poem in the air and the earth; For its words have meaning that walks and music that soars.

Keep the faith

I cannot keep your waves.
Let me keep your footprints in my heart.
- Stray birds, Tagore

*taken at Prague, Czech Republic.
p.s. without any photo effect !

Prague is old but beautiful. Altought Bath and it are both old cities, you can feel their difference. Prague is powerful while Bath is silent. Prague just like a woman who has already experienced a lot but still keep the childhood heart. Her eyes are still shining.

Things in Prague are much cheaper, especially when comparing with the western European. Therefore, we ate a lot and brought a lot. We had a very good time in Prague.

Time passed and things gone. Some are forgotten while some are still being kept in people's heart. For Prague, her beautiful and wisdom is already rooted in the soul of her people. No one are take it out, even time can't. That's the shining light of the old Prague.


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