
Like the meeting of the seagulls and the waves we meet and come near. The seagulls fly off, the waves roll away and we depart...... "Stray Birds" by Rabindranath Tagore is my favorite poem. Here I'll share pictures of life in France and trip in Europe with words from "Stray Bird".


The song feels the infinite in the air, the picture in the earth, the poem in the air and the earth; For its words have meaning that walks and music that soars.

We're all skull

We shall know some day that death can never rob us of that which our soul has gained, for her gains are one with herself.
- Stray birds, Tagore

*taken at Kutna Hora , Czech Republic.

p.s. without any photo effect !

First of all, I've to decleared that I am a super fans of skull. For me, it is the sign of the truth - that's what human. No matter how our temporary appearance different, whether it's beautiful or ugly from others' view, we all looks the same under the skin. It reminds me that the temporary appearance cannot represent the beauty of a person but only our heart can. The beauty of a person is judged by our heart and wisdom. And this is the eternal beauty that even death cannot take it away from us.

Kostnice Ossuary Beinhaus is a church made by thousands of human skull. It contains the remains of about 40 000 people. The largest collections of bones are arranged in the form of bells in the four corners of the chapel. There is a chandelier in the centre of the nave, containing all the bones of the human body and two monstrances beside the main altar and the coat-of arms of the Schwarzenberg noble family on the left-hand side of the chapel.

It's located at Kutna Hora , which is about 2hrs train from Prague. After getting off the train, we took bus to go there. During the return ride of bus, the bus was full of junior students who were going back home. They are so curious about us and kept on asking questions. They eyes were shining. And I can saw their soul were dancing. That's their beauty. Wish their beauty would be kept in their heart even after growing up to be an adult.

We are what we are by ourselves. not by others' comment.

Keep the faith

I cannot keep your waves.
Let me keep your footprints in my heart.
- Stray birds, Tagore

*taken at Prague, Czech Republic.
p.s. without any photo effect !

Prague is old but beautiful. Altought Bath and it are both old cities, you can feel their difference. Prague is powerful while Bath is silent. Prague just like a woman who has already experienced a lot but still keep the childhood heart. Her eyes are still shining.

Things in Prague are much cheaper, especially when comparing with the western European. Therefore, we ate a lot and brought a lot. We had a very good time in Prague.

Time passed and things gone. Some are forgotten while some are still being kept in people's heart. For Prague, her beautiful and wisdom is already rooted in the soul of her people. No one are take it out, even time can't. That's the shining light of the old Prague.

Perpetual value

That I exist is a perpetual surprise which is life.
- Stray birds, Tagore

*taken at Stonehenge, Bath, U.K.
p.s. without any photo effect !

Bath is a city where standing outside of the flow of times. Everything is in the traditional style which we saw in the film. I just felt like I've taken a time shuffle back to the past.

What was the people care about the most? What they dicussed with their neightbour and friends? Of course, "how to live" is the topic for everyone, no matter in the past, now or in the future, and no matter you are human or other animals (as humam is also a kind of animals). But, what should we think about other than how to live? We are human because we don't only care about food, but also other "intangiable" matter, such as love.

I do love the modern way of life as I am also one of the "computer animals". However, it seems like a digtial life is over everything in which we forget some important things, which differentiate us from other animals, gradually. New stuff is the result of improvement. But the old one still have their value. They are our reminders when we forget things.Stonehenge, which is actually some stone standing on a large piece of ground, plays this role.

Depth of peace

let my doing nothing when I have nothing to do become undtroubled in its depth of peace like the evening in the seashore when the water is silent.
- Stray birds, Tagore

*taken at Santorini,
p.s. without any photo effect !

Santorini is the most silent place I've even been, although tourists from all over the world crowd into her embrace.

It is an isolated Island which is not belonged to the modern world - no one talks about the stock market, the fluctuation in the oil price, nor the strike......Everyone come for enjoying their life, or maybe use the word "escape", from the commercial world.

We lay on the beach to enjoy the beauty of sunrise and sunset.
We sit on the top to accept the blessing from the wind.
We drink under the moon to share our heart with friends.
We are just like birds - fly high and freely in the sky.

That is the dream life of everyone. And thus people come, and do nothing in Santorini.

When I get tired one day, I am going to escape to this lovely and peaceful Island again.


We read the world wrong and say that it deceives us.

- Stray birds, Tagore

*taken at Cappadoica, Turkey
p.s. without any photo effect !

"This must be illusory !! It looks like the scenery in Mario game !" This is my first comment when I arrived Cappadoica.

Cappadoica was the first city I visited in Turkey. And thus it helped to shape the image of Turkey in my heart deeply. "A natural place without any "face-lift" " It is a place where we can meet the nature - blue sky and white cloud without air pollution, rock in rare sharp without reclamation, trees are free to grow without embellishment...... Everything lives freely in their original own step.

They breathe the fresh air.
They smile to the blue sky.
They walk on the rough land.
They stand here for thousands of year, look at what have human done, and maybe......laugh at them.

We pursue everything to become ours. We change and marked them to signify these are ours. Then, as time goes by, we forgot what was the original.

Where is the golden wisdom?

It should be in our own heart, I think. It should be our origin which rooted in the deepest of our heart. And it should be different by people because we earn it by experience. We can find it when we no longer deceived by the shadow of the world.

The Language of Eternal

"What language is thine, O sea?"

"The language of eternal question."

"What language is thy answer, O sky?"

"The language of eternal silence."
- Stray birds, Tagore

*taken at Piazzole Michelangelo, Florence, Italy
p.s. without any photo effect !

It was the most amazing sky I've ever seen.

River stopped flowing, clouds stopped floating, birds stopped singing......the earth stopped turning. Everything was fixed at that moment and I heard the silence of eternal.

I don't really like Italy although I'm a girl. For me, the Italian is too "loudly". But I do love her art. Michelangelo is one of my favorite artists. You can't imagine how happy were I when I saw the "Creation of Adam" at Vatican. I stopped my step, stopped breathing, stopped thinking...... I felt the greatest art by my heart, let the beauty of the art sticked into my memory. The world was absolutely silence, expect the mass from the church and the leaping of my blood.